The Cyber Security Skills Gap

Monday morning and RSA 2014 has not even properly started but there I was up on stage in front of a rather packed room. Feeling jet-lagged and wishing I had more caffeine in my system, I was glad that I was simply moderating a panel which included Dwayne Melancon, Andy Ellis, Jane Lute and Mike Assante.

The topic – “Closing the cyber security skills gap” where conversation flowed extremely well. I threw out a few questions and sat back and watched the show. TripWire had commissioned an artist to draw a visual representation of the conversation which turned out to be fantastic.

Most of the conversation escapes me because I was too worried about keeping the conversation flowing and staying on track to end on time. But luckily twitter captured most of the sentiments which are collated below:



















2 thoughts on “The Cyber Security Skills Gap

  1. These twitter post are actually great food for cyber security thoughts, it’s not really surprising that everyone enjoyed this event because a lot of concerns have been answered. Plus the illustration really captured the components of cyber security gap.


  2. “How do you assess the skills of your team? – @csoandy: “give them a hard job, and see where they ask for help””
    I think that is great advice! The whole has to be greater than the sum of its parts and when your team is excellent at A but lacking in B then your team needs to be reorganized. A good team needs an even mix of skills.


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